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July 2013

Appalachian Trail Maine - New Hampshire Boarder
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The Notch!

People tell me that I can be forgetful and that I often lose things. I always just ignored them until this last week or so on the trail. I have lost so many things it is really pretty hilarious. At least it is for me, it’s a lot less funny for the people that walk…

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River me timbers!

White water rafting with Blue, Laura, Josh, and Tony The white water rafting trip was exponentially more fun than I had anticipated. Tony, our veteran guide that the group met the night before in a hot tub at Northern, was outstanding. He has an amazingly warm personality coupled with a wealth of knowledge and experience.…

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Caratunk Magic

Yesterday the group and I arrived at Caratunk after 37 miles of hiking. We hit a couple of great mountains on our way. My favorite by far was Moxie Bald. We camped yesterday next to some power-lines right after Moxie pond. Our group has been doing a lot of stealth camping in spots where it…

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114.5 miles down 2072.4 to go

What an amazing start to my trip. I arrived in Maine on the 29th at the Katahdin Inn & Suites with Mabel and crunched through the last bit of work. I finished at midnight the night before I left on the first. A really friendly hiker convinced me to stay one more day in town…

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